this particular moment I was very into the angular designs of Pierre Cardin, so
my dressmaker would run me up copies of Cardin couture”, said by Grace Coddington after a lifetime on Vogue.
Primero... <3
First... <3
Después llegó Alexa...
Then, Alexa came….
Un retal...
A piece of cloth...
... Y mi modista favorita (que además es mi madre) con la ayuda de su profe (que es un amor, y tiene una paciencia infinita), hicieron esto:
...and finally my favourite dressmaker, my mom, helped by her sewing
teacher, who, apart from loveable, is loaded with patience, they both made
Alexa, cuando quieras te paso su contacto ;-)
Y a vosotras, ¿os gustan los vestidos capa?
Esperamos vuestros comentarios.
¡Hasta pronto!
Alexa, do you want me to put you in touch with her? ;-)
What about you, guys? Do you like cape-dresses?
Hope to hear from you.
See you soon!
Translated: Almudena Abalo Álvarez.